They're not relevant in the slightest IRL.

Anyone want to explain why I see so much shit about patsocs in every online leftist space, all of which is totally divorced from things people actually give a shit about IRL?

It seems there's this trend where some patsocist says something absurd online -> everyone rushes to dunk/criticize/make fun of it -> the patsoc's message gets amplified to the millionth degree. Do content creators not realize that shitting out 500 videos/threads/posts/etc dunking on something that only exists online is only going to amplify it further?

  • Awoo [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Nah this is completely wrong.

    Vaush was absolutely killing it with growth until we started /r/enough_vaush_spam and made an extremely concerted attempt to utterly fucking destroy him.

    He was reached out to beforehand by a group of us who began the project, we outstretched a hand and basically said we didn't give a shit what he did as long as he dropped the sectarian anti-tankie shit as it was just punching left and not useful. When he laughed us off and refused we stepped up, made mega lists of everything he's ever done and got bots made in dozens and dozens of subreddits that auto-replied to his name with that shit, we trawled through every single discord and every single big of social media he's ever been involved in and dug out every last disgusting fucking thing there was. We then spread that everywhere, so that the only thing anyone ever thinks of when Vaush's name is mentioned is what a fucking trans hating pedo defending freak he is. We then moved to spreading it across twitter. We mailed every single person that worked with him all the clips and evidence. We made sure real organisers all rejected him too. Nobody would work with him anymore because his name became cancer.

    This stopped his growth in its tracks. He was exploding and would have been a major influencer the size of Hbomb if the push didn't happen. He was absolutely blowing up at the time.

    Can't speak for the patsocs as I Haven't been involved in any campaign against them, but I can absolutely vouch that we took a data-driven approach to Vaush and our impact was extremely measurable. It killed all of his momentum. He has admitted this very publicly in mini-breakdowns about it, he knows full well his brand is shot to shit now.

    EDIT: I will go so far as to say that Vaush's rep being destroyed was a Hexbear project, even if it didn't specifically organise on Hexbear. It was members of this crowd that set about the task of doing it and it was the megathread of his bullshit that was maintained here that formed the start of all the facts bots that were created and spread among the leftist subreddits. Hexbears were the vanguard of that entire shitstorm against him. Also big kudos to Tronaldo who put shitloads into it and is the scrappiest scrapper I've ever seen, not without flaws but he knows how to have a fight. He's doing offline organising for now though.

    • Marxist_Lentilism [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Do you have like, a chart or something that shows his growth numbers slowing down? I like seeing it as a picture :blob-no-thoughts: I definitely haven't heard nearly as much about him since what felt like the peak in 2020

      • Awoo [she/her]
        2 years ago

        Our collective efforts started in December 2020 and really kicked into high gear in January. He was absolutely blowing up in growth at the time and then his momentum was completely shredded. He has not recovered that growth since.