Have bitten my nails literally as long as I can remember and ooooh man my newly grown fingernails are like THROBBING they’re begging to be bitten aaaaaa

I’ve done pretty well tho I’ve lasted like a week. I had to stop because I was chewing up skin all around the nails and bleeding and shit it had gone on too long. I took before shots to motivate myself to keep going.

  • FrogDog [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I bit my nails up until I was 28, to the extent that I didn't even need to clip them. I decided to quit when I went back to school and I've managed to stop.

    Sometimes when I'm stressed old habits return and I bite one, but that's becoming pretty rare and I'm usually able to stop while I can still clip it.

    Anyways more power to you! Remember the goal is improvement not perfection!!