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  • MF_BROOM [he/him]
    2 years ago

    But for real, I get really fucking tired of this discourse.

    "Veganism is more expensive/privileged" completely ignores the huge production cost of meat, from the plants and water used to feed the cows (pound per pound, beef is much more water-exhaustive than plants, and obviously many more pounds of plants go into the pounds of meat an animal "produces"), to the costs of clearing land/building factory farms, etc. The only reason meat and dairy are within the price point of a lot of people in the west is because they are massively subsidized--they have to be in order to be market viable since it's naturally an incredibly inefficient use of resources.

      • MF_BROOM [he/him]
        2 years ago

        silly vegoon, of course the most meat-heavy countries are also the most democratic, meat is freedom, and freedom is democracy. :so-true: