Todays lunch at CPS - pizza with a stalk of broccoli?


  • happybadger [he/him]
    2 years ago

    There's something so evil about the social murder of intentionally starving children to me. We know how important nutrition is for physical and mental development, let alone participating in school. We know how barbaric the country otherwise is and how little it provides for the poor, but we won't give those children one healthy meal per day to let them reach their full potential or even just avoid dietary diseases. There's no benefit to a weakened underclass other than reinforcing its oppression so this is just slow-motion eugenics.

    God damn America. That's in the bible.

    • RION [she/her]
      2 years ago

      Running out of money on my ID at my middle school cafeteria unlocked a shame in me that I had never really known before, especially as I was already on the reduced price plan. My literacy teacher was kind enough to buy something for me that day, at least.