Today Hasan said that Destiny and his community almost made him kill himself. Weird that Destiny used Kiwifarms and is friends with fucking Nazis....

Here's a clip compilation of drunk Destiny groping Hasan, after Hasan asked him to stop, being fucking stupid (even more stupid, if you can believe it) and needing to be forced to not drive drunk.

Do yo thang, twitter!

Is this.... Is this twitter??? I dunno..


  • nicklewound [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Destiny has a hard on for Hasan after their falling out and his anti-leftist arc.

    He will on some days, open Hasans streams, and leave it open just to critque his every word. Destiny leaked Hasan's address to the new house he bought. (leaked the article where you can find the address)

    dgg (Destiny's community) is obsessed too. They post about Hasan Daily.

    They constantly harass him. If Destiny wasn't an online persona, what he does would legit be considered cyber stalking.

    Destiny CANNOT keep Hasan's name out of his mouth.