:so-true: "Thank you for the pod Elon sir! I'm so glad I live in a free market and not under that evil gommunism where I would get a better home for free!"

:my-hero: "Uh huh, enjoy. Don't forget to pay your monthly door subscription or the door will lock and catch on fire."

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    2 years ago

    It mentions in like the first minute that you can use it to become a landlord without even having to make any mortgage payments

    Then who the fuck is supposed to be paying for it? This is always the most insane shit. Just do everything on credit! As though interest rates are still zero and the free money train hasn't left the station. And that's not all....

    (a) Where are you even going to put that glorified wheelless winnebago? Its not like the land underneath it is going to be free. We ran out of that shit ages ago.

    (b) What's the power/plumbing situation? Just the chronic bane of "Tiny Home" afficianados is the ACTUAL FUCKING INFRASTRUCTURE which differentiates a home from a shack.

    (c) Who is giving you money to live here? If its all just investment properties, we've got an abundance of slums and ghettos for the impoverished to choose from already. I can't imagine who is going to want to live in your brand new plastic box when a three-story walk up apartment will be simultaneously cheaper and more convenient.