The moment the nicest man in all britain lost is the moment that britain finally went beyond any hope of saving
Is caught playing
Jezza, posing and looking directly at the camera.
With his "scouse bird" tote bag lmao
Fking brits really rejected this nice grandpa for bloodless motherfuckers like kier
absolute pro gamer move after headshotting thatcher with a :trouble:
How is this an "Insane moment"? I have never met or heard of a single non-vampire British who wouldn't stab Thatcher in the heart if they were given a time machine.
But sir, think of the civility! Have you no shame, my good sir?
Minor unpopularity is what happens here when you deliberately starve and/or order the violent assault of millions of workers. She still gets respect from a sizeable minority of people in this country.
It's just a good game I played it even though I'm a :LIB:
Amazing lmao. Assuming this is recent I can only imagine the incoming 700 British media articles finger wagging for weeks over this.
If I ran into Thatcher I'd blow her away too. She already died, and I'm not a huge fan of just letting the undead wonder around.