German officials have not yet provided any information on the possible cause of the damage. However, Berlin's Tagesspiegel newspaper cited German security circles saying that sabotage was strongly suspected. "Our imagination no longer allows for a scenario in which this is not a targeted attack," the newspaper quoted its source as saying.

Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said it was "hard to imagine" that the leaks were "accidental."

Speaking to Danish media while on a visit to Poland, Frederiksen said: "It's an unusual situation, to have three leaks a distance from each other. That's why it's hard to imagine that it's accidental."

Separately, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Russia was "extremely concerned" by the reports of damage and that no option, including sabotage, can be excluded at the moment.

"Obviously, there is a destruction of the pipeline. And what the reason is, there is no option that can be ruled out until the results of the investigation emerge," Peskov was cited as saying by Interfax state news agency. "This is an absolutely unprecedented situation that needs to be resolved quickly."

Sure looks like something the US would pull :amerikkka:

    • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
      2 years ago
      • Most aggressive country on the planet
      • Largest, most advanced military, particularly at sea
      • Long history of doing anything that will advance its interests, even if it means kneecapping an ally

      Who could have done this?

      • CheGueBeara [he/him]
        2 years ago

        It's obviously the dang rooskies trying to destroy a big part of their own leverage during a war. Pootin is a madman!

      • AcidSmiley [she/her]
        2 years ago

        It must have been this Andreas Malm guy, he wrote a book about blowing up pipelines! :joker-troll:

      • anaesidemus [he/him]
        2 years ago

        or straight up blaming Russia because they are devious and/or illogical

        • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
          2 years ago

          USA: Motive, Means, literally a statement of intent

          Russia: Motive, not only lacking means but is significantly harmed by this

          Reddit: Anyone questioning that RunZZia may not have done this is a Pootinbot

    • jizzong [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Obviously the US benefits from the destruction of the pipeline but at the moment the pipeline isn't in use anyway. Unless it will take years to fix the pipeline I wonder how the benefits outweigh the risks of being found out.

      Russia doesn't have a good reason to damage the pipeline since they control the gas flow anyway. Unless this is some kind of contractual issue and they need a reason for not delivering gas? Not really familiar with how these things work.

      It does kinda benefit the German goverment atm since it shuts up the opposition who wants to appease Russia and reactivate the pipeline. Though there won't be federal elections until 2025 and I seriously wonder if the German goverment would be competent enough to sabotage the pipeline without getting caught.

      Maybe I'm missing something though.

      • robot_dog_with_gun [they/them]
        2 years ago

        if i were a german official interested in false-flagging that shit i'd just trick the americans into doing it and let them take the risk on the coverup

      • AcidSmiley [she/her]
        2 years ago

        It does kinda benefit the German goverment atm since it shuts up the opposition who wants to appease Russia and reactivate the pipeline.

        It is worth noting that the pipeline was a pet project of the SPD, which leads the coalition in government now and which, in the leadup to the Iraq war, decided to win the election by very publicly refusing to participate in Dubya's little regime change adventure. They were joined in that by the Greens, who are also part of the coalition and who hold the German equivalent to the state department like they did last time they were in charge. So there's two out of three parties that the State Department has some reason to distrust, even though Scholz and Baerbock are a lot more toothless and pro-US than Schröder used to be.

        So from an American perspective, there is a reason to show the German government that fucking around will not be tolerated. You're right that the elections are still 3 years away, but people are becoming restive as winter approaches and energy costs soar.