I'm immunocompromised and continuing to stay at home and single player games really help me get through it. I've played a lot of games (especially the past 2.5 years), so dig deep and give me a good recommendation that you don't think I've played.

I'm into most genres, but not super into loot games or ubisoft open world style games. Love smaller indie titles. I love some JRPGs (Trails, DQ11, Yakuza, FF), hate others (Persona). Yeah I just said I hate persona, get over it. BoTW , Death Stranding, and Elden Ring are some of my favorite "big" games recently. The Trails JRPG series is probably my favorite overall series.

I just finished up Return to Monkey Island and really liked it (was a big fan of LucasArts adventures in the 90s), but I can't play back to pack point and click games so maybe cool off on that.

Been playing a lot of Ooblets while working out lately, so probably not gonna be receptive to any Animal Crossing / Stardew style games rn. Btw check out Ooblets if you like those kinds of games.

  • RION [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Divinity Original Sin 2: Solid AA CRPG with great characters and decent build variety. Drops off a little in the latter half but very worth your time nonetheless.

    Prey (2017): Excellent immersive sim with a cool setting and interesting story

    Going Under: Indie dungeon crawler set in a satire of startup culture. Cute art, banging soundtrack, funny jokes

    West of Loathing: Hilarious and endearing RPG with a unique setting. Short and sweet. The DLC is also shory but worth it IMO.

    Definitely seconding/thirding Griftlands. There's not a whole lot to do once you've done ascension on all three characters but it still took me over 100 hours to do that

    • macabrett
      2 years ago

      I should have included Divinity Original Sin 2 in my post! That's one of my favorite games! I'm really excited for Baldur's Gate 3 to come out of Early Access.

      I should go back to Prey. I love Arkane games, I love immersive sims, I love science fiction horror movies, but I'm a baby when it comes to getting scared in games. I was getting very scared in Prey haha.

      West of Loathing is one I'll have to add to the list. I missed this one, but I love a short and sweet RPG.

      • Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        I should have included Divinity Original Sin 2 in my post! That’s one of my favorite games! I’m really excited for Baldur’s Gate 3 to come out of Early Access.

        Have you played the Pathfinder: Kingmaker or Wrath of the Righteous?'

        I've played a bit of the EA Baldur's Gate 3 and to be honest I think I prefer playing the Pathfinder games. BG3 is swanky though and I, too, am excited for full release.

        • macabrett
          2 years ago

          I haven't messed with Pathfinder. Is it real time with pause or turn based? A big reason I enjoyed Original Sin 2 over other CRPGs is I prefer turn based. Just a bit easier for me to follow. I was also a big fan of how much environmental effects you could cause on tiles in battle with spells and objects.

          • Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]
            2 years ago

            Is it real time with pause or turn based?

            That's the neat part, it's both! There is a widget on your dashboard that can set combat to turn-based or real-time and you can change back-and-forth whenever you want.

            I was also a big fan of how much environmental effects you could cause on tiles in battle with spells and objects.

            While it's present it's not as much of a front-facing feature as it is in Divinity.