I'm immunocompromised and continuing to stay at home and single player games really help me get through it. I've played a lot of games (especially the past 2.5 years), so dig deep and give me a good recommendation that you don't think I've played.

I'm into most genres, but not super into loot games or ubisoft open world style games. Love smaller indie titles. I love some JRPGs (Trails, DQ11, Yakuza, FF), hate others (Persona). Yeah I just said I hate persona, get over it. BoTW , Death Stranding, and Elden Ring are some of my favorite "big" games recently. The Trails JRPG series is probably my favorite overall series.

I just finished up Return to Monkey Island and really liked it (was a big fan of LucasArts adventures in the 90s), but I can't play back to pack point and click games so maybe cool off on that.

Been playing a lot of Ooblets while working out lately, so probably not gonna be receptive to any Animal Crossing / Stardew style games rn. Btw check out Ooblets if you like those kinds of games.

  • hypercube [she/her]
    2 years ago

    caves of qud. classic-style roguelike (tile based, turn based, not any of that newfangled realtime nonsense) with optional non-permadeath mode. exploring post-post-post apocalyptic "earth" as either a weird mutant or a weird cyborg. lovely writing & sound design make it feel more immersive than you'd think just looking at it. got a real neat faction reputation system like some RPGs that includes species like dogs & frogs, as well as the more standard social structures. early access but there's already 10+ years of devtime in the thing, more worthwhile content than a lot of big, finished games already and on track to be finished next year