I'm immunocompromised and continuing to stay at home and single player games really help me get through it. I've played a lot of games (especially the past 2.5 years), so dig deep and give me a good recommendation that you don't think I've played.

I'm into most genres, but not super into loot games or ubisoft open world style games. Love smaller indie titles. I love some JRPGs (Trails, DQ11, Yakuza, FF), hate others (Persona). Yeah I just said I hate persona, get over it. BoTW , Death Stranding, and Elden Ring are some of my favorite "big" games recently. The Trails JRPG series is probably my favorite overall series.

I just finished up Return to Monkey Island and really liked it (was a big fan of LucasArts adventures in the 90s), but I can't play back to pack point and click games so maybe cool off on that.

Been playing a lot of Ooblets while working out lately, so probably not gonna be receptive to any Animal Crossing / Stardew style games rn. Btw check out Ooblets if you like those kinds of games.

  • HornyOnMain
    2 years ago

    battle brothers is a really good game that's basically medieval fantasy xcom (turn based, perma death of units, consistently missing attacks that should have a 95% chance of hitting, etc) but actually good. You play as a the leader of a mercenary band that's trying to become actually profitable, and as your mercenary band grows you gain access to new mechanics like raiding goblin strongholds and stuff. Apparently, in the late game there's massive war scenarios that can start like noble houses infighting, or loads of zombies and skeletons coming out of the ground to retake the world, etcetera but I haven't got that far in game yet.

    there's also three dlcs that add a load of stuff to the base game but i dont know how good they are because i havent bought any yet