I quit drinking recently (just hit a month wow), and so far it's been fine because I'm spending all of my time alone or working/doing errands. I don't like drinking alone so it's been fine, but where I live now the ENTIRE social scene is bars and clubs, so I can't meet anyone without being sober in a room full of extremely drunk people. I don't like clubs to begin with, and there's not really any quiet, sit down pubs around here where I could just get a soda and relax.

I used to pound drinks with my buds, but now that I'm seeing demonstrable health benefits of quitting (I have epilepsy and alcohol was giving me seizures) it's getting less justifiable to consider drinking again. I could smoke weed but it often makes me quiet and awkward when alcohol makes me outgoing and confident, which is what I really need right now. Also weed makes me shit at darts and pool.

  • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
    2 years ago

    I mean, do what you wanna do, I'm not judging or anything, but there tends to be plenty of stuff out there that isn't "The Scene" ya know? Taking classes, hitting the gym, bowling leagues, doing yoga, nerdy board game groups, book clubs. Don't be afraid to explore a bit, especially if you're trying to push yourself into a scene you're not comfortable in.

    • AllCatsAreBeautiful [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Ya know, you're right. I've been making excuses saying I'm too busy during the day to do anything but work and I have to socialize at night, but I have the time in there. I do love pool and darts, and the only time I could potentially play would be right when bars open on weekdays before it's crowded. No bowling though, fuck bowling.

        • AllCatsAreBeautiful [he/him]
          2 years ago

          Lol I haven't bowled in years, but the last time I did I was shamefully bad, and I was bowling with some Germans who did the classic German thing of being extremely blunt without intending to be. I'll never forget my friend looking me in the eyes and saying "that wasn't too bad for someone with no form" without any hesitation or humor. He was trying to be nice which is the best part.

          Also there's no bowling alleys around here. I live in a rural place with no car so anywhere outside downtown is a more or less a nonstarter, at least for now.