• driving_crooner@lemmy.eco.br
    3 months ago

    The last panel could said "I guess I'm living in the streets" and the pig calling the police because there's a homeless close their property.

    • Dessalines@lemmy.ml
      3 months ago

      Another one might be: living in their car and getting a cop called on them because a lot of places (US states mainly) have laws against sleeping in a car.

      • TheDoctor [they/them]
        3 months ago

        Those tall lamps that most corporate chain stores install in their giant parking lots are also specifically angled to make laying down in your car difficult. It shines right in your eyes. I see a lot of people talk about hostile architecture in terms of physically stopping unhoused people from sleeping in the streets. But car sleeping has a lot of similar barriers that are otherwise invisible.

      • emptiestplace@lemmy.ml
        3 months ago

        Off topic: I see your name in orange in the Voyager app. Is this a per-comment flag on Lemmy (that you have the option to set when posting), or just something apps might do based on the value of an account-level flag?

        Edit: disregard, see below.

  • Steve@startrek.website
    3 months ago

    Rent is not double the mortgage.

    Maybe the base mortgage payment, but you also have to pay for insurance, taxes, maintenance, utilities.

    If you can’t get good terms on a mortgage you will also have a higher rate and PMI.

    Yes poor people must pay more for the same house, and rent can be cheaper.

    Edit- Hexbears: grow up, get a job, buy a calculator, and try to figure out why you are so wrong.

    • idkmybffjoeysteel [he/him]
      3 months ago

      First of all, let's subtract the capital repayment part of the mortgage, if it isn't an interest only mortgage to begin with, then let's set interest rates to basically zero for over a decade. Now find me a single instance of rent being cheaper than a corresponding mortgage. You can't. You can't ever find a single example, except by charity. It isn't possible. It doesn't exist. Get it through you stupid fucking thick head. It has never happened. It is never going to happen. And if it ever does happen, it will only be true for a moment, because you know what happens to your rent every year? It goes the fuck up. Your fucking rent goes up. That means you pay more the next year than you did the year previous. Do you get that? Is that hard for you to understand? Do you know what happens to your mortgage one year to the next? You wanna know what happens? It stays the fuck the same. Do you follow? So imagine this, it's 1995, you just bought a house for 100k, you put down a 20k deposit, your mortgage is 80k, interest rates are low, so lets say your repayment is 500 per month on average. 25 years later, you make your final payment, you now own your home outright, but guess what, it has been 25 years, and your home has doubled in value not once, but twice, and it keeps on growing, your house is now worth 450k, you couldn't buy it today with a 20k deposit, you need a 90k deposit minimum, and what's the repayment on a 350k mortgage? 2k? now imagine if you had been renting. over the course of 25 years, the landlord would take that mortgage repayment (including the capital repayment), add on their other expenses, then add on profit, so you would start off paying 600 per month, and over the course of 25 years, you would accumulate nothing, you would save nothing, you would own nothing, and now your monthly rent would be 2400 a month minimum. I have done the maths. My fucking career is this kind of maths. I went to university for this shit. I know what the fuck I'm talking about. Does your stupid fucking pigeon brain comprehend how many times over you would pay off your landlords mortgage over the course of 25 years, with rent going up every year? 5 fucking times minimum, 7 or 8 if you live in a capital city. Don't fucking insult my intelligence telling me hyuck well sometimes you can get rent cheaper than a mortgage. It isn't fucking true. You cannot will this shit to be true by saying it. It is false. a lie. untrue. incorrect. fucking wrong. but you know what is true? every fucking time I hear someone defending the rental system, they eventually admit to being a landlord themselves. fuck off porky.

      well the landlord has to pay for expenses as well 🤓

      fucking nerd

      you know what I hate about landlords the most though is you can never fucking get them to admit that they are making money, they always cry they are barely able to cover the mortgage, and I say, OK, you can cover the mortgage, so that's a 50% profit margin already, go fuck yourself



      Fuck you.

      Feel free to do your own figures, and at best make this seem marginally less obscene, I'm just trying to illustrate a point, do you want to A) pay a £200 mortgage and own a big fuck off house you can mortgage again to fund your retirement, or do you want to B) pay £1100 in rent to a parasite freak whose permission you need to paint the walls, who humiliates you with quarterly property inspections, who makes you live in disgusting conditions with mould and bug infestations and refuses to ever fix anything, and if they ever have to, they put the rent up, threaten to kick you out, and then give you a shitty reference which you fucking need if you don't want to be homeless, and then do you want to retire with fucking nothing, because you never had a house as a savings vehicle?

      people who make bullshit arguments in favour of renting should undergo mandatory cock and ball torture

      and before anyone cries about my maths, even landlords on landlord websites will admit that they expect a return of at least 8% pa after expenses - if it wasn't such a good deal for them, they wouldn't do it, they would just put their money in stocks or something idfk

      The returns are even higher if you buy a regular house and then carve it up into tiny flats unfit for human habitation

      Maybe the base mortgage payment, but you also have to pay for insurance, taxes, maintenance, utilities.

      Find me a landlord that doesn't price every one of these things into the rent

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      3 months ago

      If porky owns all the houses he can raise rent to much higher than "market" rates due to having a monopoly on an inelastic good.

    • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
      3 months ago

      grow up, get a job, buy a calculator

      "The only people who struggle with housing costs are stupid children"


    • NuraShiny [any]
      3 months ago

      The StarTrek guy here explaining how capitalism works. Thank you.

    • qjkxbmwvz@startrek.website
      3 months ago

      "Lemmy doesn't have the hive mind like that toxic Reddit."

      Meanwhile, you get downvoted because you're right 🤦

      For everyone downvoting, go compare Craigslist rent prices to Zillow/Redfin listing prices with 20% in a major city.

      You are of course right, at least for my part of the world (high CoL USA city). Renting a 3 bedroom will run 4k for something modest (5 or 6 for something nice maybe?). Buying a 3 bedroom will run 10k or so with 20% down. Buying is definitely more expensive in the short term (long term is another story).

      Only way for mortgage to be more than rent is for something purchased a while back, or for a new purchase with a large % down payment. Which absolutely happens, but sheesh, parent isn't wrong...