I don't think this is too doomerish for the doomer comm, but this is something I need to get off my chest.

I'm a bit of a manchild, I graduated but no one wants to hire me so I have no money. I am stuck in a dead end, only a dollar above minimum wage job because that is as far as my resume will take me. Employers claim that they are desperate for work but they are as picky as ever. Hell, with the recent fed shenanigans, they WANT be broke an unemployed because shareholders and porky can never take one for the team (unlike us disposable poors).

I can't afford rent anywhere, even in the tiny hick town I grew up in with literally NOTHING to do outside my shitty job, so that rules out getting out and meeting people, I never met anyone in college and all my childhood friends have forgotten about me. Sure, I can go to a place where there are things to do, but it's a 40 minute drive to the small city....and I have no friends so that really limits things. I'd love to move into a West Coast City or NYC, but those are absurdly expensive, but it also seems like that's where everyone is that I could be compatible with. Ironic, the cities that are supposedly good havens for misfits and outcasts are the most attractive to investors and thus have the highest property values.

I know I can't give up, I want to have friends, I want to live somewhere nice and do dumb webcomic-y stuff. But I can't help but think that said life has been stolen from me by wall street to feed porky's unending hunger. I'm still going to try to leave, so for people who are in these situations, what have you done to pull yourself out and if you're a 20-something in bumfuck nowhere, how the hell do you meet friends?

  • StewartCopelandsDad [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Hey no worries, you can also post in /c/chicago if you want more responses. This isn't from first-hand experience because I've never had a bike in the city but I think it's mixed. Some places don't have bike lanes, some places do, some places actually have protected bike lanes. I have a few friends who bike to get around and most of them have had at least one near-crash with a car, if not an actual accident. From the driver's seat, the vast majority of bike lanes I see are painted.

    IMO transit is usually pretty good but you'll want to make sure that your work and regular activities are in compatible locations with where you live. Basically, directly N/S/E/W or along the L. Buses run along the city grid and are slower and less frequent than trains. The L is laid out in big spokes sticking out from the loop. Imagine you're trying to go from the west side to the northeast. Your two choices:

    • take one train in to the loop and then one out to the north. Unnecessary travel distance.
    • take one bus north, and then one bus east. Grid city so there aren't any diagonal streets going the way you want. Unnecessary distance traveled, and also buses are slow.

    The CTA has gotten markedly worse since the pandemic created a bunch of staffing issues. Because they don't want to admit the scale of the problem, many buses and trains just don't show up when scheduled. This makes multi-step transit trips EXTREMELY annoying, because one ghost bus might mess up the timing on the rest of the trip. When I lived on the south side near the green line, I didn't want a car. Now that I'm on the west side and have lots of friends to the north I got a car rather than suffer a 1h+ trip every time we hang out or bleed money to rideshare alls. Of course I still take transit downtown and when I want to have a few drinks.