Male, Female and Other. Very inclusive, also props for including "fuzzies" as a race. Gaming was woke before most of these pathetic Gamergate 2 losers were even born. Maybe even before YOU were born!!


Every time I'm on the character creation screen of a cRPG now, I say "Where are my three genders! Gaming has fallen!!" ooooooooooooooh

  • HiImThomasPynchon [des/pair, it/its]
    3 months ago

    I was playing D&D with some friends and our DM was brand new at DM'ing. He had us go into the lair of an insane wizard. We didn't think how the wizard would have trapped his place and we had to fight his magic carpets.

    The two of us who'd played Ultima III looked at each other as we went through PTSD flashbacks to Mondain's castle.