There's the stuff about sex and drugs that was already well known and isn't particularly lurid in this day and age, and then there's the shady business deals and influence peddling, which are definitely a bad look, but nepotism isn't illegal and Biden sure as hell isn't the first politician to set up their failchild with a well-paying fake job. Seriously, who cares? I think most people expect powerful politicians to be at least a little bit crooked, why else would you get in the game?

There's nothing on the laptop that could cause Sleepy Joe any real harm, so I don't get why libs are working overtime to make sure the story won't come out. It's still all a Russian disinfo campaign and linking to any articles about the laptop gets you shadow-banned from r/politics.

Republicans are going to hate Joe no matter what, and I seriously doubt this story would turn off any Democrats or lib-leaning indies. In my view, trying to silence any and all discussion about the laptop before it even starts looks far, far worse than just getting in front of the story. You could play it off as Joe looking out for his family, or try to trigger the cons by wisecracking about this just proves Biden is a deal-maker. Do a whataboutism and point how dRumpf wasn't shy about crooked dealings for the sake of his family and how nobody on the right cared the. There's so many ways you could defuse this, I'm genuinely at a loss about why the party is so uncharacteristically uncompromising about this. White House, please hire me as an advisor.