1. They work and I don't want covid

  2. I want to people to see me and be forced to remember that the pandemic isn't over and it's killing thousands everyday

Everywhere I go you'd think the pandemic has been over for years, a distant memory. No, it's still killing thousands a day and hurting countless others. This is completely preventable and we know that because of the successfully handling of it in China.

I love it when people look at me strangely or question why I have on a mask. I want people to be forced to remember that covid isn't over

  • barrbaric [he/him]M
    2 years ago

    Echoing the other poster, prior to COVID it was made fun of. As an example, my mom, proud liberal that she is, mocked asian immigrants for this practice as recently as 2015, saying stuff like "that's so WEIRD, why do they do that?". It was a rhetorical question, though; she was not at all interested in learning the answer, just in poking fun at those kooky foreigners.