Warning: do not click without proper preparations.
Took the world's greatest designers 8 months to cook up the least flattering dress possible.
HRC in an ugly dress, not much to see here except she doesn't have anyone near her that can assist her in these decisions - oh wait - it's a Ukraine flag dress - lmao - no wonder it looks like a school project.
ok, i take back what i said yesterday, women do not in fact have drip
i knew from the blurred thumbnail it would be ukraine related, but
:hillgasm: :ukkkraine:
i was so blown away by how bad the design/fit is that it didn't even occur to me that it's supposed to be the ukrainian flag
when your social media manager tells the photographer to crush your pic so you look more like :cheems:
Please Americans find a Dressmaker/Tailor I beg you. You will be less cringe and save money by repairing clothes.