9月取回来晒干的毛豆,在冬天这个空闲的季节,可以做一顿豆腐,豆花豆腐吃个够,剩下的捂几盒毛豆腐,不管凉拌,素炒,炸脆都特别好吃,剩下的暴晒一天后做成豆腐乳※Click "cc" on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language.In this fre...
We use it to this day it's super cool. I work in the production of fermented products, mostly alcoholic beverages. Our stainless tanks have water sealed off-gassing plugs. I go around with a little pitcher once a month and top them off due to evaporation.
I've also seen this seal used in traditional kimchee production in big ceramic pots. Not in person, in a video, but when I saw it I was taken aback at how it's 1:1 technique but different materials. Super cool shit 😎
i mean the tofu is cool and all but is that a frickin' water sealed pot at 5:20? :quagsire-pog:
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We use it to this day it's super cool. I work in the production of fermented products, mostly alcoholic beverages. Our stainless tanks have water sealed off-gassing plugs. I go around with a little pitcher once a month and top them off due to evaporation.
I've also seen this seal used in traditional kimchee production in big ceramic pots. Not in person, in a video, but when I saw it I was taken aback at how it's 1:1 technique but different materials. Super cool shit 😎
Homebrewers use an airlock that's a little tube that looks like a mushed up sideways S, it catches water in the bend
I have one of these but ceramic instead of glass. shipped out from sichuan. it's great for kimchi and suancai and zao lajiao.