• Grimble [he/him,they/them]
    2 years ago

    Or here in Canada tbh. I mean in the CPC we run candidates in the elections, do citywide poster campaigns telling ppl to Vote Communist and stuff, but pretty much other member i know openly realizes it's not going anywhere. There are a lot of cool people involved with the party though, and I've met a surprising number of self-described commies, socialists, leftists and anarchists in the bumfuck nowhere jesus-loving maritime city im living in. I'm trying to get more involved to help find ways to do some direct action and help the community more directly. I was thinking of proposing that some members work with a local food bank or homeless shelter, but im not quite sure how to casually suggest that to leadership. If any canuck comrade knows how thatd work, id appreciate some tips (don't give the :kkkanada: :fedposting: any dox clues tho)