• TillieNeuen [she/her]
    2 years ago

    On a related note, I noticed that none of my old posts show up under my profile anymore. This is no great loss, but I'm curious. I tend to disappear from the site for long periods of time when life gets too busy, so I miss things. Did we do a mass-delete old posts?

    • emizeko [they/them]
      2 years ago

      I think the devs did a thing where it only pulls the last x months to improve performance because it was beachballing a lot

      I don't know but I would hope that the problem can be fixed in a better way at some point

      • TillieNeuen [she/her]
        2 years ago

        Ah, that makes sense. I'm willing to give up the historical record of my pearls of wisdom for better performance.