Not my screenshot but found the source

  • InvaderZinn [he/him]
    2 years ago

    So there's an entire race of psychopathic manchildren that want to kill everyone else because they have an insatiable megalomania, but the peace-loving Jews that want them to stop are seen as the enemy of all humanity? Including the victims of the manchildren's power trips?

    Granted, I do not necessarily see white people as genetically warlike or a "natural" enemy of Jews. After all, Irish people are white and have a relatively chill history. In fact, Ireland has historically been relatively tolerant of Jews. Logically, as a Jewish person myself, if I were plotting to take over the world, my first target should logically be Egypt. However, I do not hate all Egyptians, let alone arabs or Muslims.

    Damn, a lot of conventional internet wisdom really falls apart when you apply critical thinking... :shrug-outta-hecks: