I've successfully radicalized my friend group. The last hold out has now asked me to send them videos and let them borrow some books.

Everyday is Agitprop day! I've also now turned all the workers at my job Anti-Police, and now were talking union talk. This would not have been possible without reading the fucking theory. For every question I had an answer, for every skeptic statement I had a response that explained the same thing in a different way.

Read the theory, and if you don't have the time to read, at least familiarize yourself with the key points and most importantly, talk to your friends and co-workers.

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    I've known two groups of people who got radicalized by exposure to me, it's been about a dozen people. The ones who read theory constantly would stay that way. Sometimes they'd outpace me and end up further to the left than I was.

    The ones who didn't read theory, or would say it's pointless because they get the idea already, they all deradicalized and got bored after about 3 years. One guy is one of those tradcaths now, another is just a libertarian again but now knows some leftist terminology. Most just became standard libs and got really into Biden.

    I don't know what's stronger though. Is it the theory itself that keeps people around? Or are the type of people open to theory more likely to stay socialists? Something something dialectical materialism

    • FATRATMAN [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Being around communists I think is much better than just reading by yourself, keep the fire going, and be a person of and in the world, people get with it easily.