
  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    2 years ago

    The only thing they were wrong about was they predicted Russia wouldn’t invade, but I still maintain that was the right thing to believe at the time.

    CTH: "Invading Ukraine would be such a stupid idea. It would be an absolute quagmire that would degrade both countries and decimate the economy of the entire Eastern European region. No way Putin would be this foolhardy."

    Putin: "I'm doing it"

    Everything the Chapos warn would happen comes to pass

    The Internet: "CTH was wrong on Russia."

    • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
      2 years ago

      Like I said, I think their reasoning was absolutely correct and I agreed with them then and have agreed with them on everything since. It was in fact a very stupid thing to do and thinking it wouldn’t happen was the reasonable prediction based on all evidence.

      The logic that predicted Putin wouldn’t invade is the same logic that would’ve correctly predicted every similar situation in the last 20 years.