This is pretty neat
Woah. That’s awesome! I just found this channel but it seems pretty great and I’m definitely going to subscribe. Nice work to you and everyone else involved with this.
I love her channel! Hearing the harp played with all these different guitar pedals is interesting and sounds good.
I want to get a harp myself but they are so expensive. The harp she usually uses is like $20k-30k
Why so expensive? Just because it's a niche market without many makers/buyers?
Full harps are all made by hand and the traditional ones have fairly demanding material requirements. They cost a shitload because the material for them is harder to come across and the labor to make one requires a master artisan doing manual work.
Woah that's a lot more than I would expect. I didn't realize they were so pricey.
EDIT: Harp making is way more involved than I realized
I have an electric koto I run through pedals sometimes and it is also ridiculous and sometimes kinda cool sounding
It's called a taishogoto and they're actually pretty cheap. I got mine for $90.
Well if you turn the pedal off, you'll quit crying! :picard-troll: