I have no idea what the video is trying to say. It starts with Fanon:

Wretched of the Earth is a capitulation to Black Nationalism, Third Worldism. He's acknowledging the further degeneration of the global situation. Fanon was the eminent dialectical critic, or the negative dialectical critic, of the Third World Revolution.

Anti-Imperialism, the affirmation of decolonization, was one-sided. It became a way for the Western Left to avoid the task of rebooting mass working class movement for socialism in the core of capitalism.

That question was posed circa. 1956, that's what we mean by the New Left. The task of creating a New Left was glimpsed, and it was bound up with race. The single biggest trigger of the global New Left was not Khrushchev's 20th Party Congress Speech, it's Civil Rights in the United States.

By the end of the 1970s, it's clear that there's no New Left, the New Left failed to create the New Left, and it's uncritical affirmation of decolonization results in the complete degeneration of decolonization. What does the anti-colonial movement look like? It looks like the Iranian Revolution. It's openly right-wing.

What Stalinism means, it's not like an authoritarian movement, or Russian domination or whatever, what it means is liquidation of historical consciousness. And the way that you do that is by calling defeat, victory. You can't learn anything from a defeat if you call it victory. The most relevant form of that is the Stalinists claming that they defeating Fascism in 1945 as part of the upward and onward global development of communism. That's a lie. That is calling a defeat, victory. That is a liquidation of historical consciousness of what had happened since the crisis of the Revolution of 1917.

I really don't understand what he's trying to say.

  • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    Look, I get what they are saying, but the failures of Stalin are almost entirely preceded by the failures of the German Communist Revolution in the 20's. Every step that Stalin took was a part of that re-evaluation of things that were expected to happen in the true proletarian center of Europe and the rapid scale industrialization that was required when that did not occur. It was not that Stalin was defeated by nationalism or let nationalism win. Nationalism had pretty much already won before Stalin ever came to prominence, and at most what he was able to do was prevent the very worst of German facism and preserve Russian communism, if only for a couple generations.

    You can blame Stalin for many things. He made many mistakes, especially his later party purges and choices of high command post WWII. But laying the entire blame of the failure of the left at the feet of Stalin is not Marxist, where we recognize that men make history but they do not make it under the circumstances of their choosing.