Remember ladies: Even though the vast majority of white women are poor working class and in service jobs I saw the show Desperate Housewives once so I can confirm that you are actually a rich wine mom that somehow benefits from the system even though said system is a patriarchy that considers you less than human. Girl bosses exist so sexism isn't real anymore. You are not oppressed. I am very smart :very-intelligent:

EDIT: I am 100% directing this at misogynists and am fully aware that BIPOC do not benefit from being white in the same way white women do. I cannot speak on behalf of BIPOC and am venting about people using the existence of wine moms and Karens as an excuse to be sexist from my own experiences as someone who was born white, poor and AFAB. I acknowledge that I benefit from being white.

  • kristina [she/her]
    2 years ago

    i am a rich wine mom :shrug-outta-hecks: (rich as in diabetes from drinking too much wine)