• FourteenEyes [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Christian creation story: God created everything and it was perfect until humans fucked it up with their wickedness :inshallah:

    Greek creation story: Chaos was, and it jizzed out Night and Darkness, they fucked to make Light and Day, they fucked to create Heaven and Earth, and then they fucked to create Time and Time's Wife Who is an Unimportant Femoid. :quark:

    Time overthrew Heaven, but was afraid one of his sons would overthrow him so he ate all his babies, until his sister-wife secretly swapped one for a rock and he didn't notice. The new kid slipped him some ipecac and Time threw up all his brothers and sisters, and they waged a big war to overthrow Time and throw him into Hell. Or the Night Cave. Or Zeus cut his balls off. Whatever.

    Anyways after that Zeus got bored and went full :epsteingelion: and that's why your mail arrives on time and you can get fucked up on rotten grape juice