I once gave my copy of This Side of Glory to a black friend. He walks around like half a Panther these days. Any succes stories?

  • Jorick [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I doubt a book is what would help. What helps is a series of pictures. Making your libs watch the wreckage of a yemeni school bus, or making them see the reality behind their comfy lifestyle. Make them see the copper mines in Africa, or the polluted rivers of Bangladesh. Make them see the absolute fucking worst the world has to offer, and they will be leftists before they know it themselves. If they just shrug it off, you're losing your time. If they're genuine about wanting positive change, then make them ask themselves if it is human for these situations to exist just so some rich failsons have to pick a yatch to sail on every couple of days.

    • QuickEveryonePanic [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Books will never be my first go-to. I think telling people to "just read" is a very bad strategy as it comes across very elitist and smug and that's definitely not how we win people over. I do get quite e few people asking for book suggestions when I tell them about my politics, so I thought it would be good to broaden my arsenal.