I didn't watch the episode because their 9/11 episodes led me not to trust them on conspiracy stuff. It looks like I made the right call. Did they really buy the Warren Commission? Lol. Lmao.

  • Vncredleader
    2 years ago

    conspiracy theories are literally just speculation about conspiracies to commit a crime. Define conspiracy theory for us instead of being high and mighty and calling them all antisemitism and alex jones shit.

    You are just being a dismissive lib to the majority of people here, hell the majority of leftists with this attitude. Like I said elsewhere, is Coretta Scott King wrong, a right-winger, or antisemitic because she believed James Earl Ray did not kill her husband? Actually answer that, because your flagrant broad statements imply that to be the case. Or are things complex and conspiracy theories are literally just theories about conspiracies. Conspiracy being an actual thing,

    a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.