I know, map nerds get the gulag, nationstate will fade into obscurity, straight lines on a map go brrr and cause unforseen consequences. With that out of the way...

Why haven't politicians carved up the United States like Swiss cheese? It has only happened once with West Virginia and that took a fucking war to happen. Redrawing the states for political power seems like such a no brainer im surprised it hasn't been done yet. There are so many things we selectively enforce from the constitution that not one person has though "oh, let's just break up a state for more political power" the fact that the lines of states are so arbitrary should make it easier for a little bit of change to occur between them makes it even weirder how they have been in stasis for the past 100 years or more. I'm not saying we should make a new state, or redraw the United States, I'm just saying its fucking surprising nobody has opened pandoras box yet. I for one want to see Texas balkanize, I want to see greater Idaho happen, a new york city state, hell fucking dc statehood even, I WANT THE END OF HISTORY TO END PLEASE