alltherightopinions [she/her]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2022


  • A catholic priest is not going to pull aside a freemason at a Sunday service and threaten to excommunicate them because more than likely that freemason is dropping 50 to 100 dollars in the collection basket every Sunday and doing civic work. Now its very unlikely a catholic priest, bishop, or cardinal is a freemason, but there are catholic priest, bishop, and cardinal freemasons and that's definitely kept secret.

    Source: I know catholic freemasons, all of whom are small business tyrants but still, a car salesman is better than a nazi.

  • The freemasons are a very decentralized organization like a motorcycle club or a very badly managed franchised restaurant chain. The structure of lodges can be radically different from each other, and while the freemasons aren't exactly a shining beacon of leftist values (p2 was literally a fascist terrorist group) the actions of one lodge does not speak for all freemasons. It would be unleftist for us to persecute against freemasons for simply being freemasons. This isn't to say that the freemasons are immune from criticism because they are a decentralized organization, but generally they usually pose no threat to our goals and have been our bedfellows in a few struggles like against nazism and the civil rights movement. We should target the bad actors but the organization itself has a right to exist, under scrutiny of course. We should apply the same criticism to it like we would to the church or college fraternities, ideally they wouldn't exist but we have much bigger fish to go after and they aren't overtly hostile to us. Let me say again that decentralization is not inherently why we should tolerate freemasons, the klan operates in chapters and they need no explaining why they are bad, but the hells angels, they do have good people in their ranks, they do have some relatively good chapters, they are not explicitly racist or white supremacist in any way, but we should seek to abolish the hells angels because their ideology will always be fundamentally opposed to our own, it will always have white supremacist leanings that cannot be erased away. The actions of the bad chapters will always outweighs the actions of the good ones, you cannot be a hells angel without fundamentally supporting something that we don't. Masons are not explicitly white supremacist, that is why we shouldn't fuck with masons. It would be like targeting Jews because of the actions of Israel. Like don't. It's a line we shouldn't cross, we must be careful as to who it is acceptable to discriminate against and masons are not one of those people, though they are close to being so.