Adolph had some cousins in the us and idk if/when they changed their names. One of them was a us army medic fighting in germany. Must have been kind of weird.
German trash newspaper BILD once pestered one of them and kept referring to her as Hitler despite that not being her name which makes for the odd case in which you're writing about somebody "named" Hitler and somehow come up to be the bad guy
Adolph had some cousins in the us and idk if/when they changed their names. One of them was a us army medic fighting in germany. Must have been kind of weird.
A bunch if Hitlers settled in central Ohio in the late 18th century. . The family members of the Circleville Hitlers include George Washington Hitler and Town dentist in 1920, Dr. Gay Hitler.
Almost as cool as comrade Semen Hitler
Was gonna link this if no one had already lol
Good ol Billy Hitler
lol at least from his wikipedia article he was a total opportunist sleazbag.
German trash newspaper BILD once pestered one of them and kept referring to her as Hitler despite that not being her name which makes for the odd case in which you're writing about somebody "named" Hitler and somehow come up to be the bad guy