• StalinistApologist [he/him]
    3 months ago

    "Public transportation is bad because it gives mobility to shoplifters." (Paraphrasing)


    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      3 months ago

      Okay, one time this dude can flying our of a wal-mart onto the bus I was riding carrying a big ass TV and security guards a bit of a ways back chasing him. Driver closed the door and drove the fuck away, telling the dude "you paid the fare and I've got a schedule to keep. I don't work for Walmart". So I've seen this play out very literally once and it was fucking awesome.

        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
          3 months ago

          Our bus drivers have slowly been getting cooler and cooler. I was pals with a dude who drove busses like 10 years back and they've got a sweet union and government contract but had an issue when it came to voting and shit cause it was gutted with ex military fucks who took the gig to double dip a pension. Most of those bitter old fucks are dead or retired now, and once that gap closed a few strikes happened and the bus drivers are generally cool as hell.

    • Sons_of_Ferrix
      3 months ago

      I kinda feel like it'd be easier to rob a place if I had my own personal transportation that would allow me to flee at my own discretion and privately escape directly back to my hideout, rather and a mode of transportation that shows up on a schedule, make frequent stops at various destinations, and is filled with bystanders who could witness and report my criminal activity. But that's just me.