• zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    2 years ago

    He can’t conceive of any alternative, like that moment he’s like “I assume Elizabeth Warren is your second pick.”

    I mean, in a saner world she would be, because she and Sanders would be working hand-in-hand to advance the policies they both claim to espouse. If you just kinda take what everyone says at face value, then sure - ranking the candidates puts Warren roughly behind Sanders.

    But Warren's not working hand-in-hand with Sanders. And these aren't people with an equivalent amount of credibility who are just working at adjacent points on the political spectrum.

    I’ve been trying to figure out for a while if DC liberals are purely cynical or if they really believe they’re saving the world.

    If you spend your whole life doing something, I have to assume you either become a cynical turd about it or you build up some kind of fantasy about your self-importance. Because otherwise why wouldn't you just fuck off to the Hamptons as soon as you had a big enough pile of money?