No idea if you do appeals

I sent this DM to avoid the impression on the part of that I was trying to publicly accuse them of being an alt just because we had a disagreement. Making it a DM establishes that it's personal banter.

If this is unacceptable, so be it, but 30 days ban for this waters down the definition of harassment a lot.

    6 months ago

    I can see why it would be perceived as an attack, but it's just a nudge like "psst buddy your alt behavior is just as transparent here as on twitter". Am I trashing the guy? No I'm saying he should actually read what he criticizes. I laid out the format for the attacks that make up most of these threads, like dismissing this author based on his introduction during a vlog he did. (Make a nonsensical parallel between something you dislike and another thing you can dig up criticism for and quote it at length without making your own criticism. People use this strategy to avoid discussion of current events, too. They claim something is an inter-imperialist war and then quote Lenin at length as if you can simply transplant analyses themselves from one time to the future instead of performing an analysis building off the methods of people who came before you & developed the science.) That's the kind of stuff you can do while playing HOI4 or Syrian Warfare or whatever. If people want to game and then dip into undialectical flame wars in their spare time that's fine with me, but I don't like dressing it up as this pseudointellectual pageantry for Twitter.

    • dannoffs [he/him]
      6 months ago

      Yeah, I think you need some time off. Go for a hike or something. I'm going kayaking on Saturday, maybe try something like that?

        5 months ago

        Thinly veiled insult. I do 30 min strength exercise (if you need more than that you're not lifting enough imo) 3x a week and go hiking once a week. Never seen anyone in the fitness comm here discuss routines or anything. Just "motivation" to work out.

        • dannoffs [he/him]
          5 months ago

          It wasn't veiled at all. I'm saying you're being really fucking weird and need to take time off the internet in general.