Here we go baby

  • Lester_Peterson [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Here's what seems to be an English version of the article

    Some notable parts:

    A group of former South American presidents, foreign ministers, high-ranking officials, lawmakers, and intellectuals Monday sent a letter to Venezuela's Nicolás Maduro inviting him to join their initiative to relaunch the Union of South American Nations (Unasur for its Spanish name).

    The signatories include former heads of state Michelle Bachelet (Chile), Rafael Correa (Ecuador), Eduardo Duhalde (Argentina), Ricardo Lagos (Chile), José Mujica (Uruguay), Dilma Rouseff (Brazil), and Ernesto Samper (Colombia).

    In its letter, the group argues that “the escalation of the dispute between China and the United States has created a new international scenario” that calls for a coordinated response to the threat of global chaos and the use of nuclear weapons.

    “We trust in your vision to make our South America a driving force for a new level of Latin American unity and integration, anchored in continental solidarity and in the permanent values of peace and democracy,” the signatories told Maduro in a text to be forwarded to every other leader in the region.

    Unfortunate that no current leader signed on, but it's extremely encouraging that such a wide array of politicians are committing themselves towards a vision of Latin American solidarity that is led by the Bolivarian Revolution's example.

    Now if they can destroy the OAS, I don't think any number of :crab-party: would be enough to express my joy.