• D61 [any]
    5 months ago

    The different ways you can figure somebody's "pay" makes things weird too.

    Do you split the "employee pay" evenly between all the workers each week/month?

    Do you pay everybody the same hourly wage but some people work more hours, and get paid more at the end of the pay period?

    Do you set hourly wages on whatever the "prevailing wages" are locally for the position?

    Each one has justifications and each one can be criticized as not being fair for different reasons. Its a big head scratcher. Does make me have a bit more respect for small places that are mostly staffed/run by family. If the great grand parents started a bakery, and by the time their kids/grand kids took over the original debts are paid off that could give a lot more flexibility in paying people more. "Could" is doing a lot of heavy lifting though...