Walked outside to see a fucker trying to jiggle my door and ran off when I confronted him. Shits worth $300 and has different color doors. Who’s chopping this shit up? They gotta be selling it to developing countries where they’re worth more. I suppose that’s why beat up cars are more valuable than high end ones because it’s more affordable overseas

  • TerminalEncounter [she/her]
    2 years ago

    My car got totalled - couldve been driven but the rear passenger door was fucked - the insurance company sent me a cheque and asked that I give em the keys. I told them I'd leave it with the mechanic and the cheque cleared and that was that.

    A year later the police called me about abandoning the car on the side of the road, apparently someone had taken it for a joy ride at some point and I was the last registered number on the VIN. I had to send them all the insurance stuff and the note the mechanic signed saying I left it with him, it was good that I was a hoarder about that stuff and maintained it and kept it accessible that would've been a fucking pain in the ass because I bet the lazy pigs would've just charged me for it.