(note: while WSWS (trot site) uses CCP instead of CPC, they generally have good takes on China and support China against US imperialism)

(note: to clarify, this article is in support of Zero-COVID and sees the lifting of the policy as a grave mistake)

(note: i do not necessarily support all the shit wsws says i am not a fucking trot)

  • Spectre_of_Z_poster [they/them]
    2 years ago

    The people and party who led those successful policies are still in charge and are the ones controlling policy. Do you support them or not?

    Do you understand governing a modern nation and complex economy takes a delicate, dialectical process of weighing several contradictory forces? A dogmatic or ultra stance is often at odds with reality and will cause disasters. The CPC is walking a fine line and dodging contradictions and mitigating them, I trust they know what they are doing here.