Cut hours, added a shit ton more food to make, switched paychecks from every week twice a month, generally fucked up my routine, and of course all with no pay raise. It's on sight frog-no-pretext

  • zed_proclaimer [he/him]
    5 months ago

    I disagree, they share a lot more with Jewish extremist groups than they do with evangelicals. Insular, extremely hierarchical, rules based. Evangelicals are 100% id, whereas mormons and jewish extremists are a lot more pseudo-rationalists who could recite you 500 pages of "theory" about their madeup bullshit.

    mormons in their own internal doctrine also directly compare themselves to the Israelites, name themselves after the Tribes of Israel in the temple and believe they are a chosen, peculiar people who are destined to be persecuted and outside of mainstream society, much like Jewish extremists do. Mormons explicitly reject a bunch of christianity and embrace a neo-Jewish eschatology

    I remember hearing Mormons jokingly saying that if the LDS church isn't true, then it's Judaism that's true instead. Like in a common Mormon worldview, Jews are the 2nd closest to "getting it". Mormons take an almost Islam or Jewish approach to Christ as well, rejecting the trinity, rejecting that Christ is God and instead embracing a godhead where Christ is the literal son of God (like all humans are children of god) and an entirely separate being, and the individual of Jesus was just the eldest and most righteous of God's children.