:joker-amerikkklap: things just keep getting worse

  • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Bad news about a potential Labour win...

    Before he was parachuted in as a political stalking horse, Starmer spent his time as the inside man at CPS for state intelligence, making sure their operatives got away with proven torture.

    He undermined thousands of people's right to fair representation in court with a midnight mass-trial fasttrack, after the riots and talked gleefully about imprisoning and deporting people for crimes as severe as taking baby formula and eating an ice cream without fully paying for it.

    He's since supported violent policing against peaceful protesters, wants harsher sentences for climate protests, and tried to force the party to support a bill that would have made not only British soldiers unable to be prosecuted for war crimes and torture, but also police and intelligence service 'assets and informants' unprosecutable for crimes including rape and murder.

    His current approach to immigration is being praised as further right than the conservatives by Nigel Farage.

    Labour is a right-wing, racist, authoritarian party and Starmer is absolutely one of those gammons. Just look at the colour of the man's face.