• ssjmarx [he/him]
    2 years ago

    This sucks,

    First failure is Foxconn failing to pay their employees.

    Second failure is the local Communist Party representative failing to organize a response to get everyone paid.

    Third failure is failure of the police to take the right side in the dispute.

    As long as capitalism is the dominant mode of production in China, number 1 and number 3 are a given, since capital wants to screw over the workers and local authorities want to protect their economy. That puts all of the pressure on number two - the CPC has determined that unsanctioned labor organizing represents a threat to society by way of foreign infiltration, and in theory have the tools within their own party organization to mobilize workers without independent unions, but obviously we see from events like this one that they can prove insufficient. Labor rights in China have a long way to go before they catch up to the high water mark set by the Soviet Union, and I think that the government needs to seriously rethink their approach on this front and start doing it now if they're actually serious about "socialism by 2050".

    • kristina [she/her]
      2 years ago

      Second failure is the local Communist Party representative failing to organize a response to get everyone paid.

      wouldnt be surprised if he gets axed or thrown into some low level admin position after this. it wont be a flashy headline though