For real, the Epic G!mer :brainworms: that are so obsessed with how a fucking video game should be played by other people that the Epic G!mer doesn't even know and may never meet are insidious.

I've met them here, too, specifically about the Dark Souls treat and specifically about a theoretical accessibility mode. I may even get some fresh Epic G!mer rage about it in the comments here. Again. :freeze-gamer:

  • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    They are billions is my favorite rts and it is so good exactly because it hits that sweet spot of not requiring pro level micro or apm to win but still being really tense and demanding of skill. I recommend it a lot, it is basically the best single player rts imo. Beyond the basic skill necessary like hotkey and stuff, TAB is realy about macro.