"The Senate voted on Thursday to reject a proposal to give railway workers seven days of sick leave, a benefit that was left out of a labor deal brokered by the presidential emergency board between freight rail companies and unionized workers."


  • Tachanka [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    bourgeois reformist bingo card playbook

    • rotating villain in party to prevent reforms from passing (sinema, manchin)
    • give up leverage at critical moment to "compromise" with reactionary colleagues
    • get rugpulled at the last minute on purpose and play dumb about it
    • constantly "worry" about appearing "too extreme" for the "centrist voter" and punch left as a "solution"
    • combine bills/motions/clauses/provisions that ought not to be combined
    • separate bills/motions/clauses/provisions that ought not to be separated
    • always talk about your intentions
    • block party movement to the left
    • allow party movement to the right
    • tell marginalized/powerless groups that you "feel their pain"
    • tell marginalized/powerless groups that "now is not the right time for reform"
    • tell marginalized/powerless groups to not be violent because it will ruin the reputation and electoral potential of the party
    • tell marginalized/powerless groups to "be patient"
    • denounce human rights abuses (of dubious authencity) in a foreign country
    • advocate for military intervention to fix those human rights abuses (of dubious authenticity)
    • ignore/downplay those same human rights abuses going on in the home country
    • accept donations from the private sector
    • fulfill the wishes of donors under any circumstances because their donations are large and tend to repeat
    • accept donations from voters
    • do not under any circumstances fulfill the wishes of voters because their donations are too small and tend not to repeat
    • privatize the public sector
    • push private costs of doing business onto the public
    • deregulate industry
    • push for austerity
    • crush organized labor
    • distract from class consciousness
    • if you "solve" a problem make sure to solve it in an impermanent way so they can come back before the election cycle
    • never purge your "enemies" (colleagues) because you need the threat of them winning to keep your voters in line
    • never under any circumstances change the mode of production