
The context of the reddit thread was discussing how to best make money from AI generators btw

    • vccx [they/them]
      2 years ago

      For every artist that's employed there's a thousand people that abandoned their dream of working as one and now you're celebrating the immiseration of every single artist that actually has to sell their labor to survive.

      Great work, you realize trust fund artists aren't going anywhere because of AI? They'll be the only ones left


        • vccx [they/them]
          2 years ago

          celebrating is the enormously increased accessibility of art creation.

          At the cost of foreclosing art creation as a profession to every prole. Crab bucket mentality.

          You should be crying for yourself when every last piece of escapism is bougie liberals jacking themselves off with every Netflix series already being about "the help" homewrecking rich lib families and stealing their houses and every video game gets closer and closer to being "housing encampment demolition simulator".

          This is choking out any left influence from the cultural sphere and I can't believe your posts about the crumbs you're getting in return being worth it.

          The bourgeoise will dominate AI art too because they don't need to be paid to do it. And on a second note it's not about IP when AI is literally about robbing workers of their means of production and ensuring they'll never be paid for their labor again.

          AI automation is stealing labor hours before they haven't even had the opportunity to work them. Robbing people of past and future labor. This isn't IP rent-seeking for work they have already done. It's an attempt to steal all the work they will ever do across all fields requiring human creation and creativity.

          Manmade horrors beyond the comprehension of every Soviet painter, writer, composer, musician or anyone else that records human life.

          You can use it for whatever you want but it doesn't change the fact that capitalists are absorbing the life's work of human beings into dead capital.

            • vccx [they/them]
              2 years ago

              The skills required to be able to compete and build upon AI generated art is going to be beyond most people born into working class backgrounds. The number of jobs this will eliminate will ensure only the top performing artists (nepotism and networking notwithstanding) will be able to find and retain stable employment.

              A shrinking field generally means it will be progressively whittled down to only elites and the children of elites will be able to significantly participate and contribute.

              It's the floor falling out from the supermajority of junior and lower performing workers here, combined with capital being able to literally absorb workers' unique abilities into dead capital and render their future labor worthless on the market.

              This kind of automation has never been seen before, being able to render even products of human self-expression, solidarity and compassion infinitely replicable and therefore worthless and not worthy of compensation in market terms is horrific when as you mentioned proles are already mostly locked out of cultural means of production.

              The shared interests of workers still leave their marks on mass culture, even sometimes explicitly with movies like Parasite etc, I just can't imagine the long term implications this kind of Pandora's box (total death of creative fields as a livable career for proles) will have for cultural reproduction decades down the line especially when considering how evil Americans already are, and how evil American culture already is. It's a tightening of contradictions.

            • vccx [they/them]
              2 years ago

              It's also really not great that now workers lose almost all their leverage in these fields and quite literally can no longer withhold their labor.

    • vccx [they/them]
      2 years ago

      Whenever this giddy response to "workers of whatever field or pursuit you don't like being crushed" is snuffed or reeducated out of humanity.