Original here: https://www.tiktok.com/@5149jamesli/video/7360842084288564526

  • CoolerOpposide [none/use name]
    26 days ago

    This is not surprising considering Israel already paid students to show up to at least one pro-Israel protest after October 7th in Washington DC

    • Ocommie63 [she/her]@lemmygrad.ml
      26 days ago

      Idk if thats really possible because I would assume that a lot of these people are under contract to be there, and then they get paid. Idk tho.

      • D61 [any]
        26 days ago

        I'd imagine its more like a General Contractor in construction. The org that wants protestors hires the contractor who is paid, and its up to the contractor to find the protesters and pay them.

        The protesters themselves, at best, are just temp workers paid for the day with cash. Once the "contractor" has burned the hiring org enough, they just won't get hired again.

    • D61 [any]
      26 days ago

      Know enough of the local loopholes in creating a small business to be able to quickly spin up and close down a sole proprietorship or limited liability companies that specialize in hiring "extras".

      Find ways into the social media ecosystems of the types of groups that would need to hire protestors, extras, etc to being able to keep up to date on things going on locally.

      Keep a crew of contacts who are comrades to disburse the cash to once payment has been received.

      Dissolve the business as soon as it stops being "hired" and spin up one with a new name (or just try changing the name) and do it again.

  • GladimirLenin [comrade/them, he/him]
    26 days ago

    I remember listening to a TrueAnon Episode about this, the documentary ended up getting buried but its on Youtube. Been meaning to check it out, it's pretty great from what i hear.