Trying to call emergency services there to help out a friend whose mom has dementia and lives with her sister there and is completely out of contact, and there's like no way to.
Called red cross and united way as well, they have zero info.
They're basically cut off at the moment, ain't good
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It's important to remember when you're trying to guess what happened that this is overwhelmingly the easiest way to cause a major disruption in the US. Literally all you need is a rifle and the location of a substation. It requires no planning, no expertise, no special equipment, no special knowledge. Anyone who has heard about the Metcalf incident knows everything you need to know about how to do this.
I've seen a lot of people speculating about US special forces and Rainey being psyops and all kinds of other shit, but it's important to remember that a couple of teenagers could have done this spontaneously and that's just as likely as some US spec ops gladio stuff.
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Yeah I'll keep updating if things change locally, not there but know enough people immediately effected.
I wouldn't be surprised if this is just a see what would happen, what the response was like, and how long to fix sort of test run for a new form of domestic right wing (call it anything but) terrorism
i feel like for events like this we should really have some kind of thread thats just for posting anything related inside especially so it can all be in one place and easy to find but also easy to archive what alls in it