When asked: Would you have said the same thing during the civil rights movement?

He replied: "What a ridiculous and self-serving oversimplification to imply the civil rights movement was successful because people stood in the street. It's very simple, just get out of the road"

Here's the link to the video clips.

He also said this:

"What gives you the unique moral authority to break the law because of what you believe in?... It's narcissistic and entitled. That's insane. It's like these people think the world revolved around their issue..."

The pic is just a pic I found of him.

Edit: Also, if people think he doesn't matter, he's literally more popular than Hasan, especially when it comes to gaming shit.

  • TraschcanOfIdeology [they/them, comrade/them]
    2 months ago

    There is a very real difference between someone using their platform to advance and support causes we share and support ourselves, and thinking that watching a twitch streamer is akin to any political action. Thanks for the receipts on his work and to show that he doesn't stop at being an entertainer, but it's important to recognize that he is but a (very large) communication channel, and no substitute for organizing, something Hasan already does.