If it's not screeching children it will be some extremely embarrassing adult man yelling at his teammates and calling you a f*g for not performing to his standards.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    2 years ago

    It depends heavily on the game. Voice chat in Hunt:Showdown is mostly civil and often funny as people on competing teams yell cowboy memes at each other or express sympathy when someone gets lit on fire and eaten by a zombie. Sometimes different teams will work out agreements where they split a bounty objective, or coordinate to take on a third team. Sometimes people just yodel at you.

    Other games are horrific cesspits of racism and hate.

    I think a lot of it has to do with how main-stream the popularity of the game is. If it's a big game with lots of market the lowest common denominator of nazi 13 year olds is going to dominate. If it's a weird niche game with a relatively low player count people are somewhat more likely to be civil. Highly tactical shooters almost require the ability to communicate like a normal human being. Meanwhile League of Legends had to turn off text chat because people were so fucking horrible to each other.

    I play relatively weird games and have had consistently good experiences. Hunt, as mentioned. Planetside 2 had squad chat, platoon chat, a global leadership chat, and proximity chat. All of them were pretty good the vast majority of the time. Even shit-talking on prox chat was mostly based on in-game memes about how one faction were filthy communists and the other faction were evil capitalists. idk why it worked out. Probably because the game wasn't really fun unless you were playing as a coordinated member of a squad and the level of maturity required meant that abrasive shitheads would get kicked out and blacklisted pretty quickly. We actually had one guy who had "microphone problems' for five years straight, then one day announced he had turned 18 and had been faking mic problems the whole time bc he didn't want to be kicked for being a squeaker.

    ARMA, Squad, and a lot of other tactical shooters just require coordination and teamwork or you lose. If you can't be civil and communicate no one will play with you and the game becomes completely unplayable.

    Most people on VR chat are chill. Sometimes you run in to racist shitheads but not as often as you expect. it's really straightforward to ban people from voice chat if you need to.

    I haven't had any problems on DarkTide yet but i don't think most people know that there even is voice chat in that game.

    It probably helps that I'm male with a pretty basic "somewhere in north america" accent.

    • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      Games that require strategy to that extent don't really sound fun to me, in fact it sounds really stressful. I just want to shoot human shaped targets that are not on my team and expect my teammates to be working towards that general goal